Advanced Hearing Tests with Audiometry and Audiograms

CALL: (877) 533-3420
13530 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn, MI 48126-3574

Proudly Serving the Southeastern Michigan Area

Physical Therapy Clinic in Dearborn, Michigan

Our treatments work to address the root causes of dizziness and ear trauma. Masri Clinic for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery in Dearborn, Michigan, is a physical therapy clinic offering help for tinnitus and balance disorder.

This is an abnormal noise in the ear and is actually very common. Nearly 36 million Americans have constant tinnitus, and more than half of the normal population has intermittent tinnitus. Tinnitus can come and go, or be continuous. It can sound like a low roar, or a high pitched ring. The most common types are


   •  Ringing 
   •  Whistling 

   •  Screeching
   •  Or Even Musical Sounds 

What Causes Tinnitus
Most tinnitus comes from damage to the inner ear. Loud noise is the leading cause of damage to the inner ear. Most patients with noise trauma describe a whistling tinnitus. Advancing age is often accompanied by inner ear damage and tinnitus. It can also be caused by middle ear infection or fluid, and infections such as labyrinthitis.



How Tinnitus Is Diagnosed
Dr. Masri will perform an examination of the ears with an otoscope. Ear wax should be removed, and then Dr. Masri will also note whether the ear drums are intact, inflamed, scarred, or whether they are moving. Once Dr. Masri has examined your ear, he may order other tests, such as an audiogram, to diagnose the tinnitus properly.

VNG Tests for Dizziness
When you are dizzy or have balance disorder, a videonystagmography (VNG) can test this. For a VNG test, you wear hi-tech video goggles with infrared cameras. A specialist observes you while you look or lie in different positions.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
Dr. Masri can offer therapy to improve your balance, minimize falls, and decrese dizziness. Therapy includes:

   •  Massage
   •  Heat Therapy

   •  Balance and Stretching
Masri Clinic is the specialty clinic for these therapies. They can be performed right in the comfort of our office.
Hearing Aid, Physical Therapy Clinic in Dearborn, MI
Contact us to receive treatment for hearing problems.